A 65-year-old woman died after she was struck by a car in Southwest Philadelphia early Monday morning, police said.
之前几年,大众途昂在国内的中大型SUV市场,还是有一定的市场地位,尤其是理想、问界等品牌全面起势之前,这款车在国内的6座、7座中大型SUV市场,是可以和汉兰达平分秋色的存在。只不过随着新能源中大型SUV的全面入场,这两款车型如今的市场处境都不是很好, ...
Police in Stoneham, Massachusetts, are looking for a driver who left the scene of a crash that left a grandmother seriously ...
The Santa Fe offers a wide range of pricing, features, and fuel efficiency. If you like the look and don’t mind its relaxed ...
Dramatic bodycam footage caught the moment Atlanta police rammed a suspected cellphone robber’s SUV while chasing her on a busy highway. The footage showed officers initially cornering Jenee ...
The three-row hybrid SUV: suburbia's solution to family-friendly, economical motoring. In today's hybrid SUV market, buyers ...
10月20日,深蓝汽车旗下全新紧凑型SUV——深蓝S05正式上市,新车提供增程版和纯电版车型共计6款车型,售价为11.99-14.99万元,上市即交付。值得注意的是,车辆将搭载Deepal ...
马上就快要到年底了,所以不少朋友也想买台新车,好开回老家去过年。而这时候,今年大火的方盒子SUV很容易就进入到他们的视野,因为方盒子SUV不仅看起来足够威武霸气,内部空间往往也都比较充裕,加上现在很多都是“带电”的车型,所以即使方盒子SUV风阻系数稍 ...
快科技10月21日消息,近日有网友出街时偶遇雷军,让人意外的是,当时雷军自己开着一台大红色的法拉利purosangue(法拉利首款SUV)。视频里,雷军驾车正在左转待转区等待,他一直低着头似乎在看手机,非常专注以至于没发现有路人正在拍自己,而他的座驾 ...
Click to enlarge It was hinted at earlier this year, and now the Jaecoo J5 has made its debut at the 2024 Omoda Jaecoo ...
IT之家 10 月 21 日消息,近日小米公司创始人兼董事长雷军驾驶一辆红色的法拉利 Purosangue SUV 出街被拍,视频中雷军驾车正在左转待转区等待,并低头操作手机。 此情景引发了网友的热议,有汽车博主表示:“雷总开着一台法拉利 ...