The Royal Oak Memorial Garden is a poignant place. Despite the name, it was established to "offer the chance to reflect on all the lives lost in Scapa Flow in WWI and WWII." As well as the men and ...
The castle's beginnings lie in the Reformation of 1560 (see our Historical Timeline). This led to the abandonment of the Convent of Greyfriars which had stood on the site now occupied by the castle ...
Rosyth Castle is an unexpected find. Located right next to one of the gateways into Rosyth Docks and surrounded by land used and reused for dock related developments over the years since the docks ...
Port Appin lies on the coast of Appin, just north of Loch Creran as it meets the sea. It looks directly across the strip of water called the Lynn of Lorn to the northern tip of the island of Lismore, ...
One of the largest areas of reasonably level ground on the Isle of Arran, lies in a broad triangle to the south of the Machrie Water as it makes its way to the sea a little south of mid way down the ...
The old coast road from Arisaig north to Morar is one of the most memorable in Scotland. This isn't because of its twists and turns and narrow single track stretches. No, what makes it truly memorable ...
Blair Castle is the ancient seat of the Dukes and Earls of Atholl and holds an important place in Scotland's history. Strategically located in the Strath of Garry, whoever held Blair Castle was ...
Saint Mungo, also known as Saint Kentigern, Cantigernus or Cyndeyrn Garthwys, lived from 528 to 13 January 614. He is the patron saint and founder of the City of Glasgow. The wider picture at the time ...
The Parish of Dryfesdale centres on the town of Lockerbie. The name comes from the local river, the Dryfe Water, which flows south towards Lockerbie before joining the River Annan a little to the west ...
Cramond Island is a tidal island in the Firth of Forth reached at low tide by a causeway which extends for just over ¾ of a mile into the river from the village of Cramond. There is a noticeboard at ...
The substantial remains of Sweetheart Abbey can be found on the eastern edge of the village of New Abbey, five miles south of Dumfries. To its south-west lie hills climbing to the summit of Criffel ...
The most commonly used route to Mull is via the ferry from Oban to Craignure, near the eastern end of the Sound of Mull. There are, however, two less well known alternatives. One links Tobermory on ...