Dong Hy is a district with many natural conditions suitable for tea development. Trai Cai tea area in Dong Hy district ...
To restructure the economy in conjunction with renewing the growth model, from 2021 to present, the Department of Agriculture of Thai Nguyen province has restructured production by sector and ...
To create momentum for economic growth, contribute to job creation, and increase income for the people, Pho Yen City is focusing on accompanying and removing difficulties for investors to implement ...
As the main force in economic development, in recent times, the youth union members of Dong Hy district have always promoted their pioneering role, building many effective startup models. Au Xuan ...
From the results achieved in administrative reform, Dinh Hoa district continues to have drastic directions, synchronously implementing tasks to improve efficiency in this field. Thanks to that, the ...
得益于良好的预测、预报工作以及管理协调中的活力,钢铁机械股份公司的生产营业多指标仍达并超额年计划。 2024年9个月内,该公司的工业产值约达3675亿越盾,相当于年计划的76%;复杂铸钢件 ...
随着实施国家预算收纳确保提出计划,即日起至年底,富平县将决裂地展开措施以税项齐全,特别是征收土地使用费。为完成此次指标,该县人委会指导各机关,单位加快属于甜瑞新都市的2号,6号都市区;香山镇2B都市区;甜瑞工业群;柯山乡,西北住宅点,春芳乡,玉春住宅 ...
10月12日,在河内,越南妇女联合会举行“妇女创新创业与绿色转型”大赛的颁奖典礼。这是对获奖创业项目进行表彰,评估和排名并在全国范围内广泛传播创业精神的机会。 地区决赛结束后 ...
这是太原在2024年前9个月取得的结果,比同期增长7%。该省工业产值的主要贡献是加工制造业,达707万4千亿越南盾。 具体,经九个月,电子品达2.279亿件(比同期增长21.4%)。增长原因是在7个月 ...
为缩小城市和农村区域之间的差距,以及展开提高人们收入的措施,普安市优先分配资源完善,提高农村基础设施的质量。从此,推进该地经济社会发展作出重要贡献。 通过新农村建设计划 ...
得益于同步实施各措施并注重降低生产成本,降低产品价格,算到2024年9月底,太原钢铁股份公司的总营收额达11万970亿越盾 ...