Rabbi Daniel Bouskila is the international director of the Sephardic Educational Center.
Lawsuit claims that, even before Oct. 7, UTLA has fostered a hostile environment against Jewish and pro-Israel teachers and ...
Shayna Paquin is dedicated to raising funds to install bomb shelters in every preschool.
Israel’s tourism industry has seen a major drop in visitors over the past year, and it’s unclear when things will improve.
Dating coach Devorah Kigel has bad news and good news for single Jewish women. First the bad news: There is no Mr. Perfect.
Three Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulances, donated by congregants of Wilshire Boulevard Temple (WBT), visited Los Angeles on ...
Each Torah portion includes a line-by-line analysis, with Shoff sometimes bringing in multiple sources to provide insights.
The sukkah we build and whose ancestral history we celebrate each harvest season serves as a temporary reminder of where we ...
Kippur, as in the name of Yom Kippur, denotes atonement, a translation that as “at-one-ment,” can be read, being for the sins ...
The first ever American Film Convention in Los Angeles is being held downtown from October 15 to October 17, 2024, and if you are interested in the ...
It is rare for a west coast sukkah to actually “fall down.” But it is unfortunately common for each of us to feel as if we have fallen.
Dear all, As Ron and I assembled and decorated our Sukkah today, pieces kept falling down, vines got entangled, and we ...