The European Commission decided to open an infringement procedure by sending a letter of formal notice to Romania (INFR (2024)2194) for restricting the freedom of market participants to determine ...
Romania is in the midst of an energy revolution and we have reached more than 13 billion EUR in non-reimbursable funds, which we have managed to attract, and somewhere around 10 billion are already in ...
Eggs and poultry meat were included on the list of products that can be imported from Ukraine only on the basis of import license, announces the minister of agriculture, Florin Barbu. He said that ...
The government extended the agreement with the Republic of Moldova for another six months regarding the coordinated control on our territory in the Albita – Leusteni Border Crossing Point (PTF) , by ...
The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, had an "unplanned" meeting on Wednesday, at Chisinau airport, with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the discussions ...
Environment Minister Mircea Fechet said that next year's enrollments in the "Green Home" solar photovoltaic installation program should be assigned a bigger budget, according to "certain ...
The Hungarian presidency of the EU Council asks that Romania and Bulgaria become full members of the Schnegen Zone by the end of this year, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban told the plenum of the European ...
The development work of Neptun Deep began in 2012 with the first commercial discovery, and at this moment I can say that the project is on schedule, and in 2025 we are ready to start drilling on the ...
US ambassador in Romania Kathleen Kavalec on Wednesday said that t."Each time I visit this Memorial I am reminded of the vital importance of its lessons. Following the horrific October 7 attack ...
The Government decided in Wednesday's meeting to allocate 2.85 billion RON from the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the Government's disposal, stipulated in the state budget for 2024, for the continuity of ...
Danish-Romanian green energy project developer Jantzen Renewables, part of Denmark's Jantzen Group, said on Monday it has appointed Razvan Popa as its chief executive officer (CEO). Previously, Popa ...
Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International group, continues to invest in equipment that supports the efficiency of the operational flow in the Petromidia refinery. With an ...