智通财经APP获悉,当地时间周一,高通 (QCOM.US)推出了新一代高通旗舰SoC骁龙8至尊版 (骁龙8 Elite),这一芯片让智能手机拥有了笔记本电脑级别的性能,助力这些设备利用新的人工智能工具。
巴克莱分析师汤姆·奥马利指出,关于美光科技,市场上最大的争议集中在NAND闪存的平均售价上。有些人认为,由于预计明年服务器和个人电脑的需求会增加,NAND闪存的价格不会出现大幅下降。 奥马利还提到,投资者对高带宽内存 (high bandwidth ...
We recently compiled a list of the 8 Best US Stocks For Foreign Investors Right Now. In this article, we are going to take a ...
At its annual Snapdragon Summit, Qualcomm (QCOM) unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite system-on-a-chip. Read for more.
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Best Internet of Things (IoT) Stocks to Buy. In this article, we are going to take a ...
智通财经APP获悉,据知情人士透露,高通(QCOM.US)或等到11月美国总统大选后再决定是否向英特尔(INTC.US提出收购要约。总部位于圣地亚哥的高通希望对白宫的新主人具有更加清晰的了解后再决定下一步行动,因为未来的任何一届政府都将对反垄断格局与中美关系产生影响。部分知情人士表示,考虑到涉及英特尔的潜在交易存在诸多复 ...
Speculations are rife that Qualcomm Incorporated QCOM will wait until the Presidential elections are over in the United States to decide on whether to stake a formal claim for acquiring Intel ...
加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥 - 在最近的一项发展中,无线行业基础技术开发和商业化的领导者高通公司 (NASDAQ:QCOM)宣布任命Marie Myers加入其董事会。这项任命于周一生效,Myers同时也加入了审计委员会。
We recently compiled a list of the 35 Trending AI Stocks on Latest News and Analyst Ratings. In this article, we are going to ...
The rumored Qualcomm acquisition of Intel has emerged as a key upside catalyst for the stock. Read what a potential deal ...