学藏语、唱藏族歌、跳藏族舞……10月12日,“外籍专家走读中华暨Z世代青年西藏行”活动走进西藏日喀则市江孜闵行中学,来自英、美、蒙古国等12国外籍师生沉浸式体验了一节藏族特色文化课。 Learning the Tibetan language, singing Tibetan songs, performing traditional Tibetan dances... The foreign t ...
Dubbed "Packaged," this inflatable art piece features large rounded inflatable blocks that occupy every balcony of the former warehouse of the National Industrial Bank of China. They squeeze ...
10月10日,西藏拉萨,来自英、美、蒙古国等12个国家的外籍师生齐聚布达拉宫。在游览途中,学习西藏的历史文化后,他们激动地表示:“我爱西藏!” (黄方) ...
Practise your English listening skills with this story ...
(ECNS) -- A group of international teachers and students from 12 countries, including the UK, US and Mongolia, visited the Potala Palace in Lhasa, SW China's Xizang Autonomous Region on Thursday.
此次荷兰半导体出口管制措施的升级,无疑将增加中国企业生产高端芯片的难度,同时也将给阿斯麦和全球半导体产业的未来 ...