£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
The Integrated Zero LE is a 60 Watt MOSFET integrated amplifier with typically British features: i.e. none. There are five line inputs, a tape output, power, volume and balance controls, and that's it ...
Whenever I visit audio shows, or hear new systems in other places, there are certain things that will always catch my ear. Full range drivers often appeal to me because of their directness and sweet, ...
Un articolo apparentemente privo di senso. Ormai i CD hanno preso il sopravvento sul vinile che si sta avviando, lentamente, sulla strada del declino. Allora perché un articolo che spieghi come ...
Supplier: Grant Fidelity Price: 6CA7-Z $230, per grade A pair; KT66-Z $280 per grade A pair, YMMV due to currency volatility. Grade B items available at reduced prices. But, then I hit hitch number 1: ...
The Graham Slee Fanfare is a dedicated Moving Coil RIAA phono stage. Contrary to the more common practice of making switchable MM/MC stages, Graham Slee has always had a very strong opinion against ...
In the world of Hi-Fi there are few components that are the subject of so many different and often conflicting theories than those that surround the design of tonearms. Rigid or flexible, damped or ...
I was ready to pull the trigger on what would' ve been my first pair of speakers, a fresh pair of B&W 602s, when instead I decided to follow Geoff Husband' s advice and went the DIY route with a pair ...
I admit it. I have been a recorderhead and I still am. In the early 80s I got introduced to the world of music, or was it audio?, courtesy of a friend who remarked that Nakamichis were the things to ...
We couldn't miss this! A nicely designed and built CD player offered at a price that is simple unbelievable! In other words, a must for every serious tweaker. If you've lost our listening test of the ...
Atacama è un'Azienda inglese che opera nel campo dell'accessorisica HiFi ormai da 20 anni. Ha in catalogo ogni genere di supporto per diffusori, tavolinetti per HiFi, punte, sottopunte ed altri ...
Sicuramente le casse sono tra i componenti HiFi di più difficile scelta. Cercheremo intanto di capire alcuni concetti di base per poi addentrarci nella disamina di alcuni possibili criteri di scelta.