How do Opportunity Zones Work? The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created the Opportunity Zones program—meant to spur investment in undercapitalized communities. The program provided three tax benefits ...
State and local governments levy taxes on various tobacco products, including cigarettes, chewing and smokeless tobacco (often referred to as "other tobacco products"), and vaping products. State and ...
Unemployment insurance assists workers who become involuntarily unemployed and meet specified eligibility requirements. Unemployment insurance programs are run as federal-state partnerships financed ...
Tax-favored retirement arrangements can be sliced and diced in various ways. There are three big differences, though: who sponsors them, who bears the risk, and when Uncle Sam takes his cut. There are ...
Average tax rates measure tax burden, while marginal tax rates measure the impact of taxes on incentives to earn, save, invest, or spend an additional dollar. The average tax rate is the total amount ...
GILTI is the income earned by foreign affiliates of US companies from intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act imposed a new minimum tax on GILTI.
For 2021, the child tax credit provided a credit of up to $3,600 per child under age 6 and $3,000 per child from ages 6 to 17. If the credit exceeded taxes owed, families could receive the excess ...
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tariffs would raise $2.8 trillion over 10 years, but even that would fall far short of paying for his ideas.
Rainy day funds, also known as budget stabilization funds, allow states to set aside surplus revenue for use during unexpected deficits. Every state has some type of rainy day fund, though deposit and ...
Fiscal stimulus can raise output and incomes in the short run. To have the greatest impact with the least long-run cost, the stimulus should be timely, temporary, and targeted. Fiscal stimulus, such ...
A "soda tax" is generally imposed as a per ounce excise tax on drinks sweetened with sugar. No state currently levies taxes on soda alone, but a few localities do. While often called soda taxes, these ...
In 1972, President Richard Nixon impounded funds for various social programs. Nixon argued that because Congress lacked a process for controlling the federal budget, budget deficits might expand ...