Hosted by our Fine Arts MFA program, VALS is one of several free and open-to-the-public events we offer each year. Follow us ...
This course will provide an opportunity to examine the impact artists and designers have in shaping the world. It will be an exploration of the interdisciplinary exchange between art and design that ...
Critical Conversations: bridging pathways forward to greater understanding and creative solutions.
This course introduces different materials and their unique properties to students studying to become architects, artists, and designers to make informed decisions to use materials in their ...
Covers basic concepts for the study of primitive and modern society, social processes operating in human groups, personality development in various societies, major institutional groupings, and social ...
In Research, Perform, Record! Students learn artistic tools to create performances for the camera based onresearch-based strategies and various approaches to lens-based media. The class will explore ...
Sport and Society explores the relationships among sports, society, and culture. This course examines how sport reflects and influences various social dynamics, including issues of race, class, gender ...
Cultivating Emotional Balance Through Creativity offers a unique approach to emotionalwellness and self-awareness through creative exploration and expression. This course isadapted from the ...
The Directed Project Studio provides a platform for students to develop and articulate their own landscape oriented design practice. Projects examine landscape architectural topics, practices or sites ...
Engaging the World investigates global fashion systems to understand diverse cultures and communities in an effort to support social enterprise and responsible design practices. The course encourages ...
Ocean acidification. Exterminated fish. Bleached corals. This course travels to the planet's last frontier-the ocean-to understand the root causes of its deterioration and to connect to its force and ...
This course will introduce students to the study of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the context of their social, historical, theoretical, and technical stakes. Starting with portrayals ...