- Transport Canada National Union-Management Consultation Team – 2005 to Present - Transport Canada Regional Union-Management Consultation Committee – 2005 to Present - conforms to the highest ethical ...
It gives me great pleasure to re-offer myself as a candidate for the NR national executive. My goal in seeking your support for re-election is to continue working diligently on behalf of all NR ...
It is with great pleasure that I submit my name to continue serving you as a member of your NR Group Executive. I offer my time, energy, and experience to advance your interests in the workplace, in ...
Type of Problem - Select - Something is broken on this page There is a spelling mistake or other error on this page ...
You are cordially invited to the Sydney IT Sub Group AGM on Tuesday Nov 18th, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Meet and network with IT members, enjoy a meal, win a door prize, and get informed with the latest ...
Les membres en règle pourront accéder à une diffusion en direct du l'AGA 2024 de l'IPFPC. La diffusion en direct ne concernera que la plénière principale et les affaires de l'AGA. Si vous souhaitez ...
Stéphane Aubry - Inconduite. N'a pas respecté les normes de conduite acceptées dans les messages écrits sur les réseaux sociaux (article 22.4 des statuts). La mesure prise est : Publication de cette ...
Misconduct, failed to observe accepted standards of conduct through an election campaign in written communications on social media (By-Laws 22.4). The measure taken is: Publication of this written ...
Les membres de l’Institut suivant·es, employé·es par l’Agence du revenu du Canada et situé·es physiquement au bureau des services fiscaux de Toronto-Centre (25, avenue St. Clair), proposent la ...
Un billet comprend une boisson, une entrée, un souper et un dessert. Vous devez acheter vos billets au plus tard le 14 novembre 2024. Achetez vos billets auprès d’un·e délégué·e syndical·e (en espèces ...
In lieu of a wet signature of a nominator, an email from the nominator to the nominee with the required information noted above will also be accepted as proof of nomination.
Admission includes drink, appetizer, dinner, and dessert. Advanced tickets must be purchased by November 14, 2024. Purchase your tickets from a steward (cash only) or online by sending an e-transfer ...