Laura Weed takes us on a tour of the mind/brain controversy. In the twentieth century philosophy of mind became one of the central areas of philosophy in the English-speaking world, and so it remains.
Yahia Lababidi meditates on the aesthetics and ethics of two great contrarians. The externals of their lives could not be more different. One was a celebrated wit and dramatist, the other a reclusive ...
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein links Stoicism and Hip Hop. In principle, to be cool means to remain calm even under stress. But this doesn’t explain why there is now a global culture of cool. What is cool, ...
Michael Faust reviews this film in the light of eternity. Is Groundhog Day one of the great philosophical movies? Viewed on the most trivial level it’s just another Hollywood rom-com, but on closer ...
Dana Andreicut tells us about their philosophical differences and similiarities. Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged has recently made a comeback after more than half a century, largely due to the ...
Richard Floyd explains a notorious example of Wittgenstein’s public thought. Wittgenstein is certainly a special case. He is perhaps the only philosopher who could have produced an argument for which ...
Although I might get much enjoyment from indulging in a similarly dismissive attitude toward Alexander’s largely ad hominem attacks against Badiou, I have chosen a different path in defending him. I ...
Mark Cain on the 50th anniversary of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s death. April 29th was the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein is one the few genuinely ...
Richard Oxenberg tells us why democracy needs philosopher-citizens. I would like to begin with a bit of a riddle: How do you turn a democracy into a tyranny? The answer, as those familiar with Plato’s ...
Anja Steinbauer explains why Plato had problems with democracy. A lovely boat lazily bobbing up and down on the water, going here and there and nowhere: A nice way of spending a summer Sunday ...
Generally for existentialists, one is not born anything: everything we are is the result of our choices, as we build ourselves out of our own resources and those which society gives us. We don ’t only ...
Peter Rickman tells us why it isn’t. I was slightly taken aback when I heard a speaker at a psychology lecture meeting claiming confidently that psychology was a science. Of course, if we define ...