The series serves as a reimagining of the "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" show that debuted in 2007 with Jeff Foxworthy as host. In that show, adult contestants were quizzed on subjects taught in ...
The NFL season is in full swing, but Travis Kelce is pulling double duty as a football player and TV host this fall. Kelce ...
Gaps between materials required by districts and those used in classrooms put the mission of improving student literacy at risk.
H. Rao Unnava is Poets&Quants Dean of the Year in 2024 Ask H. Rao Unnava how eight years as dean of UC Davis’ Graduate School ...
A coroner has written to the Education Secretary calling for better water safety for children following the inquest into the ...
A judge said a teacher in the Mount Lebanon School District violated parents’ rights by choosing to read books with ...
Mt. Lebanon School District violated the constitutional rights of parents, a federal judge said, when it allowed a ...
The union cites a lack of support for students who fall behind and the speed with which teachers need to get through the ...
A new law requires California students to learn Native American history in a way that includes the mistreatment and ...
The advisory curriculum has been enhanced to help tackle issues like cyber-bullying, and to build real world connections.