在中法建交60年之际,法国当地时间2024年10月22日,四川国际传播中心在法国巴黎举办 “熊猫论坛”中法文化交流活动,以大熊猫为切口,共话两国在生物多样性保护、环境保护等方面的合作故事,书写又一个川法新时刻。
用人民币在俄罗斯火车上买东西,能买到什么?金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤前夕,中国日报记者小彭(视频号:小彭彭译萱)登上从莫斯科到喀山的列车。深秋的喀山寒意渐浓,已经需要穿羽绒服了,但却是一派温暖斑斓的景象。这仿佛当地人民给人的感觉,外表坚韧而不善言辞, ...
In recent years, Liaobu Soybean Sauce, a traditional intangible cultural heritage of Dongguan, has entered people's vision ...
国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。当前,世界形势面临前所未有的复杂性和不确定性,和谐共存、和平发展变得尤为重要。为深化国际人文交流,增进相互理解和尊重,促进文明互鉴,为全球和平发展贡献智慧和力量,在北京第二外国语学院建校六十周年之际,参加“中外人文 ...
Photo by Guo Yudi from Changsha Evening News.
"It's rare to see works from a new generation of Chinese directors!" "This has completely reshaped my impression of Chinese ...
This is exactly what Clodoaldo Brasilino Leite Neto, a Brazilian professor and PhD researcher in Cyber Security at Zhejiang ...
日前,AVEA的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Duri Granziol ...
入围名单公布「枢·融」义乌“国际开放枢纽区”统合规划设计国际竞赛4强诞生!,规划设计,义乌,城市设计,建筑设计,城市规划,枢·融 ...
Recently, a large public exhibition titled "Dunhuang Aesthetics and Its Connection to the World" featuring digital art ...
In recent years, as China has expanded its network of visa-free countries, former Slovenian President Danilo Türk has observed that China's appeal to the world, especially to young people, has grown s ...
UFC's return to Macao is set for November 23 at Galaxy Macau, which also marks an 11-year hiatus from UFC's last visit to the ...