本报北京10月17日电(记者牛梦笛) 在2024年金砖国家领导人峰会即将召开之际,由中共中央对外联络部与中央广播电视总台联合主办、总台CGTN承办的“和平·发展·安全 携手共建命运与共的繁荣世界”全球南方国家智库论坛16日在北京举行。来自全球76个国家的政要和政府代表、智库学者、媒体代表等以线上线下相结合的方式参与论坛。
The influx of refugees from Lebanon is imposing an additional burden on the Syrian government as it already struggles with ...
Aquarium enthusiasts in China were left shocked when they discovered that a much-hyped giant whale shark on display was, in ...
Aquarium enthusiasts in China were left shocked when they discovered that a much-hyped giant whale shark on display was, in reality, a robot. The Xiaomeisha Sea World in Shenzhen reopened its doors on ...
中央广播电视总台CGTN《庆祝新中国成立75周年》大型直播报道关注磨憨的片段。在中央广播电视总台CGTN《庆祝新中国成立75周年》大型直播报道中,记者杨景皓从中老边境磨憨进行直播连线,以磨憨在十一期间系列活动为例,介绍中国高水平对外开放如何推动曾经的 ...
“这是一趟特别的行程,给我留下了深刻印象。”10月9日,CGTN北美分台主持人Mike Walter在三亚说。此前,Mike ...
慎海雄表示,“全球南方”正携手共进、共谋发展,在倡导和平安全、维护公平正义的道路上,努力发出更加响亮的声音。中央广播电视总台将积极架设中国与“全球南方”国家间交流对话、互学互鉴的桥梁和纽带,也将积极为“全球南方”智库推动合作共赢、促进公平正义的声音提 ...
With pleasant temperatures, crisp air and minimal rainfall, this season provides the perfect conditions for hiking, photography and sightseeing. Join us in today's CGTN newsletter as we explore the ...
Where do you want to go if you're in the country? From the mountains of southwest China's Yunnan Province to the wild landscapes of northeastern Jilin, CGTN invites you to explore the beauty of nature ...
Huang Zongde enlisted in the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the age of 17, beginning a nearly four-decade-long military ...