The historic port city of Niigata in northwest Japan is one of the few remaining geisha strongholds outside of Kyoto. Known ...
Once a thriving trade hub, Niigata City’s old world streetscapes, delectable cuisine, and unique culture continues to ...
工厂导览对家庭游客来说既有趣也富有教育性,且因大多免费,很适合预算有限的观光客们。日本旅游网站Jalan最近发起一份调查,询问日本民众最喜欢的关西地区工厂导览,榜上有名的有杯面博物馆、Pocky、朝日啤酒和kewpie美乃滋等。阅读本篇文章,带你来认识 ...
福岡的「大名」位於九州最繁華的鬧區天神西側,面積並不是很大。小巷中塞滿了以年輕人為對象的時裝店、雜貨店,以及販售福岡美食的餐飲店、老字號商店、懷舊建築等,十分受到當地居民與觀光客的喜愛。這次要為大家介紹的,就是位於大名附近,適合在 ...
Did you know there are various types of kimono, each designed for different occasions? Married and single women, for example, traditionally wear different styles of kimono. The world of Japanese ...
*This article was sponsored by Savor Japan. 知道这个你也能成为寿司通!立刻就能派上用场的寿司用语 在进入寿司复杂的礼节世界之前,首先要介绍与寿司有关的专业用语。只要通晓这些用语,在寿司店用餐时,听到这些词汇便能了解其涵义,说不定还能享受跟师傅聊天的乐趣喔!
In a world where women historically struggled to establish themselves stands the legendary figure of the “ama.” Cloaked in their sheer white garments, these revered Japanese divers faced the depth of ...
While major cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka are world-famous Japanese tourist destinations, if you're seeking a little more tranquility on your travels, you might be better suited journeying to ...
从1912年到1926年是日本的“大正时代”,在这短短十五年间,日本在现代化的脚步以及经济发展之下,孕育出了许多令人印象 ...
拿着机票,打包好行囊,你准备好前往日本各地冒险了吧!等等,那日元怎么办呢?日本仍是一个大量使用现金的国家,尽管信用卡和其他形式的电子货币蔚为风行,但是手边没有一笔现金恐怕还是不方便。为确保你充分运用得来不易的日元,本文将提醒你在 ...
京都紫野地區,位於京都北部(俗稱洛北),因為和京都市中心有些許距離,受到觀光化浪潮的衝擊較少,一直保留了京都的況味,因此是筆者在京都最喜愛的區域。紫野地區鄰近西陣,地名來源與日本最古老的小說《源氏物語》的作者紫式部有關,在16和17世紀 ...
With countless bars, karaoke joints, and clubs, the scale of Japan’s nightlife is unmatched. But the enigmatic “snack bar” often remains a mystery to even the most experienced bar-hoppers. Japanese ...