In August 2024, we took drone footage of the idyllic Honjo Campus in Saitama. Honjo Senior High School’s beginnings lie with the seminar house established in the Showa period (1926-1989). In the ...
The deciding match for the World Boxing Organization (WBO) light flyweight division was held at the Tokyo Ariake Arena on October 13 th, 2024. Waseda University Boxing Team alum Shokichi Iwata ...
The Waseda University Athletic Center will host a gathering for the Waseda student and alumni athletes that competed at the Paris 2024 Olympics・Paralympics to announce their results on October 26 th ...
On October 1st, the Waseda International House of Literature (WIHL)–more commonly known as the Haruki Murakami Library–began the celebration of its 3-year anniversary with circle performances at the ...
WIAS and AIAS (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark), our partner institute, started a reciprocal exchange program to foster research collaboration. Assistant Professor ...
For entrance examinations targeting students entering from September 2026 (applications for which are scheduled to begin in late March 2026) onwards, the validity period for language proficiency test ...
New enrollees must take the following seminar and pass a test in order to acquire correct knowledge to use the IT services provided by Waseda University such as PCs, Internet services and mail ...
Conduct research into theory and practices of various aspects of credit business The RICB studies various aspects of credit business from the perspectives of both consumers and credit suppliers. The ...
From the establishment of Tokyo Senmon Gakko in 1882, the Kocho (Principal) served as the representative of the school. When the school evolved into Waseda University, its leadership system was ...
第59回ホームカミングデー開催当日であり、また1882年の「東京専門学校」開校から142回目の創立記念日を翌日に控えた10月20日の朝、東京・護国寺にて創立者・大隈重信の展墓を行いました。田中愛治総長、歴代総長、理事、教職員、塚本良江商議員会長および ...
2021年、女子学生棋士の日本一を決める「第57回全日本女子学生本因坊決定戦」で初優勝し、女子学生本因坊に輝いた加藤優希さん。幼い頃から囲碁を始め、さまざまな大会でタイトルを獲得するなどその才能を発揮してきました。2023年1月には女流棋士特別採用試 ...
早稲田大学では国際性と多様性豊かな大学を目指して、ICC(異文化交流センター)やジェンダー・セクシュアリティセンター(GSセンター)などが、合わせて年間数百ものダイバーシティ関連イベントを開催しています。「どんなイベントがあるのか知らない」「何をやっ ...