官方数据显示,这是今年以来登陆我国的最强台风, 导致沿街树木被连根拔起,部分街道出现严重内涝,不仅道路通行严重受阻,还造成了电力系统的故障,当地大面积电力、通信中断,居民生活受到严重影响。
On the morning of June 6, the 2nd High-level Forum on Integrated Development of Yangtze River Delta was held in Huzhou city, Zhejiang province. The four municipal governments of Wuxi, Changzhou, ...
Patrollers have made the first discovery of Mute Swans breeding in the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in Dongying ...
The 20th Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Forum, also known as the 2023 Jiangsu Science and Technology Forum, was held in Liyang from October 18th to October 20th. Nearly thirty academicians ...
上海闵行招商中旅揽阅售楼处电话☎:售楼处地址:400-998-7894✔✔✔ As a new life force work in 2024, China Merchants Travel · Book is the first book ...
The decision was made during the 46th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in New Delhi, India, according to ...
9月21日,根据工信部《优质中小企业梯度培育管理暂行办法》和《深圳市工业和信息化局优质中小企业梯度培育管理实施细则》,深圳市宝安区工业和信息化局公布了“宝安区2023年十佳创新型中小企业名单”,名单经过企业申报,初审推荐,专家评审,网上公示等程序最后确定。深圳古瑞瓦特新能源有限公司、深圳市兴森快捷电路科技股份有限公司、影石创新科技股份有限公司、深圳市伟鹏世纪科技有限公司、深圳市镭神智能系统有限公司 ...
As a vital origin of Lingnan's Guangfu culture, Foshan boasts a rich cultural heritage, renowned worldwide for its martial arts, lion dances, ceramics, and cuisine. In recent years, leveraging its ...
A photography activity to promote jiuzi games and fitness awareness has collected several hundred images from participants, 90 of which will be selected for an exhibition.
The China Federation of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs signs several projects at each World Manufacturing Convention, with ...
新加坡2024年10月7日 /美通社/ -- 由星域展览(Constellar)与国际合作伙伴Deutsche Messe共同组织的HANNOVER MESSE展览——第七届Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC(工业转型亚太区博览会,简称"ITAP"),将于2024年10月14日至16日在新加坡博览中心(Singapore EXPO)举行。在国家政策推动人工 ...