Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly said on Tuesday the central bank remains on track for more rate ...
Higher prices still sting for many American consumers — and they probably will for a while longer, Federal Reserve Bank of ...
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly said on Tuesday that even with last month’s rate cut monetary ...
旧金山联准银行总裁戴莉(Mary Daly)15日表示,如果数据符合预期,美国联准会(Fed)今年稍后将进行更多降息,「再降息1~2次是合理的选择」。她指出,儘管Fed 9月一口气降息2码,但货币政策依然致力于压低通膨。戴 ...
旧金山联邦储备银行行长Mary Daly表示,随着通胀下降而劳动力市场降温,美联储必须保持警惕,不过她乐观地认为官员能够维持当前经济扩张的势头。
San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly said Tuesday the Federal Reserve is 'resolute' in its quest to achieve a soft landing, ...
美国旧金山联邦储备银行行长玛丽·戴利(Mary Daly)15日表示,只要经济表现符合预期,美联储今年仍有可能进一步降息。 戴利当天在纽约大学的一场活动中表示,9月美联储将联邦基金利率目标区间下调50个基点,是对利率政策立场的“适当调整”。这一政策 ...
San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly on Tuesday said she is open to skipping an interest-rate cut at one of the Federal Reserve’s two remaining policy meetings this year. In a speech at New York ...
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly said she expects the US central bank will continue lowering ...
汇通财经APP讯——周二,现货金上涨0.5%至每盎司2,663.83美元。而美联储一众大佬时至当下对于继续降息仍未存疑议。根据伦敦证交所集团的计算,交易员认为美联储在11月降息25个基点的可能性接近100%,暂停降息、将联邦基金利率区间维持在4.75%-5.0%不变的可能性仅为0.2% ...
“The US Treasury 10Y yield tumbled to 4.03% after it held a 4.06-4.12% range in the previous two sessions. San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly played down the recent better-than-expected US nonfarm ...
SAN Francisco Federal Reserve President Mary Daly on Wednesday said she was less concerned now about resurgent inflation than about hurting the labour market. “I’m not very worried about us ...