10月19日消息,美国准备向乌克兰提供高达200亿美元的贷款,作为七国集团 (G7)国家贷款的一部分,并用冻结的俄罗斯资产获得的利润进行偿还。英国《金融时报》援引美国官员的观点透露了该消息。白罗斯理想社对此进行了报道。
(法新社那不勒斯19日电) 在中东局势危险升级、乌克兰将面临另一场冬季战斗而压力与日俱增的背景下,七大工业国集团(G7)国防首长今天将在义大利南部城市那不勒斯(Naples)召开会议。
Defence ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) wealthy democracies kicked off their meeting on Saturday with host country Italy ...
NAPLES, Italy (Reuters) - The global security framework is growing increasingly precarious due to competing world visions, ...
Italian Defence Minister, Guido Crosetto has warned countries, including, the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany ...
On the agenda are Russia's war on Ukraine, the Middle East conflict, unrest in sub-Saharan Africa and tensions in East Asia ...
Borrell also said the mission of the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon UNIFIL “needs to be reviewed” and possibly ...
G7 defence ministers started talks on Saturday against a backdrop of escalation in the Middle East and mounting pressure on ...
【共同社10月17日电】日本防卫省16日发布消息称,在赴意大利出席七国集团(G7)防长会议期间,防卫相中谷元19日将与美国国防部长奥斯汀举行会谈。这将是两人首次面对面会谈。中谷向媒体表示:“希望就进一步强化日美同盟的威慑力和应对能力的举措深化讨论。” ...